Hello world!

Welcome to oba!press, a blog about WordPress sites on Cloudflare. Here you’ll find optimization and security tips to make your site perform better under the protection of Cloudflare.

WordPress is the most widely used blog and site creation platform in the world. About a third of all websites use WordPress, and if yours is one of them, this blog is for you.

Cloudflare is essentially a proxy service, that is, an intermediary between your website’s origin server (where you host it) and its visitors.

Cloudflare’s Free Plan offers optimization and security benefits that are unrivaled on the cloud. If you have a WordPress website and isn’t yet on Cloudflare, you are missing a lot!

Cloudflare operates over 200 data centers all over the world, and chances are you may have visitors that are nearer to Cloudflare than to your origin server.

Cloudflare offers a range of services, that, when combined with the flexibility and easy availability of the WordPress platform, provides anyone with great tools to start and maintain a website that is well optimized and protected.

Oba! A Brazilian Portuguese word that means at the same time “cool!” and “yummy!”—a word to express happiness and contentment. “Oba! I want that.”

oba!press. Welcome aboard!


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